How To Play Poker Successfully – 13 Tips And Tricks

For many recreational poker players, it is certainly a goal to get into the professional field at some point. Quite honestly, every active online poker fan has probably already considered this idea. At the “largest” tables worldwide, millions of dollars are sometimes won, but of course, also lost. The best gamblers on the scene have earned prize pool money that is comparable to the best tennis players in the world.

Of course, no user should count on the large pool or base their lives on it, but every day can bring a big surprise. But how should you proceed in order to eventually leave a tournament as a big poker winner? In the following, I have put together some tips and tricks that should help you to make your dream come true. Logically, the advice is not a guarantee of profit. Of course, you will need the appropriate sheets on hand.

1. Pay Attention To Their Position And Strong Starting Hands

Many poker players make the mistake of gambling for the devil. Sometimes an attempt is made to turn over weaker starting hands. Better to wait and see. Don’t get caught up in too many pots with bad hands. Hold the cards in order to raise the bets at the right moment. If possible, always stay in a wait-and-see position. You beat the loose gamblers by playing tight on hold. Only go on the offensive with really strong hands.

2. Bluff Yes, But Don’t Get The Hell Out Of It

Bluffing is part of poker – of course. However, if you base your gambling on a bluff strategy, it usually leads to a loss. Ultimately, you confuse yourself rather than your opponent. Do not constantly try to challenge your teammates with excessive stakes. Anyone who thinks that the top tournaments are won by the biggest bluffers is wrong. The winner is usually the player who has been defensive and waiting for a long time.

3. Never Underestimate Your Opponents

If possible, always assume that your opponent is a little better. This does not mean that you should put your own light under a bushel. Nevertheless, it makes more sense to always start from a stronger opponent. Hit your counterparts with the necessary respect.

4. Stay Tight, Avoid Loose Play

Never let your table neighbors pull you into loose gambling. Around 80 percent of poker players just want to see action at the table and lots of flops. However, this is exactly the wrong way to go. Only those who play tight and wait and see will reap long-term profits. It is particularly noticeable that the so-called “fish” at the tables with small limits sometimes act “like crazy”. Stay true to your line. Poker is not an action game.

5. Be Aware Of The Time Factor In Online Poker

When you switch from the stationary game to an online poker arena, you must definitely consider the time factor. Things are much faster on the Internet than in the casino around the corner. Give yourself some time to get used to it. In the land-based casino, you see about 30 hands per hour, with an online poker provider the number can double. Depending on the provider, you have a maximum of 10 to 20 seconds to make your decision per round, otherwise your hand will be automatically folded. So always stay focused.

6. Nothing Works Without Notes

Every good online poker platform has a corresponding note function. These features are not available for free. Personally, I am of the opinion that nothing works in poker without appropriate marginal notes. Gather as much information as possible about your opponents. For example, write down which hands your opponent showed during the showdown and how he played them. Of course, you should also take notes on your own gambling. Try to analyze your mistakes on the basis of the recordings after each session. You will always find ways to improve. No poker player is perfect.

There are now numerous software programs with which your opponents can be “screened”. In all fairness, you should only use these features as tools. Do not rely on the computer for game analysis – the man / or woman is yourself.

7. Start With Smaller Tournaments

Start your poker career with smaller tournaments that are played with a low buy-in. The main reason for this is certainly that decreased financial risk. However, I see another important reason. For example, if you sit at a beginner’s table, you will dominate the game very quickly. This self-confidence helps you a lot later in the higher level. Poker is often decided in the mind of the player. However, it is important not to get cocky after winning a few tournaments.

8. Regular Customers Come First – Take Advantage Of The Offers

Actually, it is logical and to be seen as a basic requirement. Without the knowledge of the poker rules it is not worth taking a seat at a real money table. If you have not yet mastered poker completely, use the fun mode. You can gamble with play money at any good poker provider. Do not be afraid to take advantage of the support programs such as the “Poker School” or the “Poker Coach”.

9. Plan The Tournaments Carefully

Take a close look at the tournament program of the poker provider and plan your participation a few days in advance, if your personal circumstances allow. Prepare yourself a little mentally for your session. Do not sign up for multiple tournaments in a row. You should have a time window that allows you to finish the competition if you are successful.

10. Play Poker With Your Mind Clear

Concentration and attention are important when playing poker. You will only be able to “gamble” successfully if you are fully committed. If you feel bad or have personal problems, it is better to skip one or two tournaments. Only take a seat at a virtual table when you can focus 100% on the cards. There is no point if your thoughts are elsewhere.

It may sound funny to some, but unfortunately, it’s a fact. Do not play with alcohol “in the pear”. I don’t want to talk about drugs at this point. Any stimulants have no place in a strategy game like poker.

11. Do Not Play Poker With Money That You Need For Other Things

Start your game with a serious bankroll, which is the basis for your money management. Your start-up capital consists only of free money that you do not need for your living. Do not put any financial means with which you have to pay for your rent, electricity or other important things. When you play poker for a living you usually end up in a mess that can even threaten your very existence. Don’t make the cardinal error of never borrowing money to play poker, either from friends or the bank.

12. Take Advantage Of Bonus Offers From Poker Providers

While you can be critical of the casino and sports betting bonus programs, in my opinion, there is no risk in poker, as the bonus is released gradually according to its turnover. So take advantage of the bonus opportunities offered by your poker provider. Always keep an eye out for appropriate free rolls to take part in lucrative tournaments.

13. Try To Climb The Qualification Ladder

Speaking of tournaments. Many poker arenas offer their users the opportunity to qualify for the world’s largest offline poker events via satellite competitions. Usually, you start with a minimal buy-in in the first few rounds. Just be there, take the chance. Climb the qualification ladder. Maybe in the end you will be the great triumphant.

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